All Pets Spot

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Help Instructions

With All Pets Spot help instructions, learn how to create listings for your pet care services with our easy-to-follow instructions. Whether you're a seasoned provider or just starting out, our step-by-step guides will walk you through the process from start to finish. Discover how to set up your account, create descriptions, and optimize your profile to attract pet owners. Join us and unlock the potential to showcase your services and connect with pet owners.

Pet Care Provider Listing

  • Sign Up: Verify your email by clicking on the link in your email.

  • Login: You must upload a selfie image to your profile before listing your services.

  • Click on 'Post a New Listing' in the top right corner of the page.

  • Select the Listing Type for the service(s) you provide.

    • IMPORTANT: Your calendar availability is based on each listing type. Therefore, if you offer multiple services, choose the listing type with the multiple services. Example: If you offer pet sitting, dog walking, and pet waste removal, choose Listing type: 'Pet Sitting, Walking, or Waste Removal (Choose if you offer all 3 services). This will prevent double booking your availability calendar when someone books one of these services.

    • If you only offer pet sitting, choose Listing type: 'Pet Sitting (Choose if you ONLY offer this service).

  • Listing Title:

    • If you chose the Listing Type with multiple services, list the services in the Listing Title. Example: Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, and Pet Waste Removal.
  • Listing Description:

    • IMPORTANT: The site is keyword search-based, therefore be sure to include all the services you provide in the description.
  • Listing Category *Choose the category for the services you provide or the products/toys you sell.

  • Location:

    • Input the City, State, or Zip Code you provide services. If you only provide services near your home, input the Zip Code. If you will go anywhere in your City, input the City and State.
  • Pricing:

    • Input your hourly price for services provided.
  • Availability:

    • Click on 'Set Default Schedule'.
    • Select your time zone.
    • Select the days of the week you provide services. Important: Set your weekly schedule first. Then you can return and 'Add an Availability Exception' to adjust what days you are Available and Not available for specific dates and times.
    • Select the hours of each day you provide services. You can select different times on the same day. Example: If you provide services in the morning and afternoon, you can input 7:00 am - 9:00 am, then click 'Add another' and input 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
    • When you finish inputting the days and times, click 'Save Schedule'.
  • Add Photos. Important: The first photo must be your selfie image. All other photos can be photos of you with pets showing what you do for pet care services.

  • Publish Listing

  • We will approve the listing before the listing goes live.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Sign Up

Business Listing

  • Sign Up: Verify your email by clicking on the link in your email.
  • Login: You must upload a selfie image to your profile before listing your services.
  • Click on 'Post a New Listing' in the top right corner of the page.
  • Select the Listing Type for the service(s) you provide.
  • Listing Title:
    • List Your Business/Company Name.
  • Listing Description:
    • IMPORTANT: The site is keyword search-based, therefore be sure to include all the services/products you provide in the description.
  • Listing Category *Choose the category for the services you provide or the products/toys you sell.
  • Location:
    • Input the City, State, or Zip Code you provide services.
  • Add Photos. Important: The first photo must be your business logo.
  • Publish Listing
  • We will approve the listing before the listing goes live.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Sign Up